Saturday, January 03, 2009

jukka-pekka kervinen & jim leftwich

myrtle think reggae

a basket next to the bicycle pouch alas remand
myrtle think reggae rotor lust room
nose-wheat is captured nabob snitch nectar
particles putter amok mull aural enraged
junco air resistance kibitz bridge plaint
laminated streams cut minuet waltz goatee
alfalfa oysters fuselage curio image tent
cello profits muse agile incite pebble
fragile instigate a rabble monolith fittest musical
authentic liminal repent azalea cashew usage
minimalist salted beard brook lament clutters
biscuits leg complaint midair junco partner
rappels hearing croatan knight wok stew
satrap witch honey northern elude catnip
motor dust broom idea turtles ragged
albeit pocket diamonds beside pickled basilisk


Complete for truffle scum intuit beside horror
Bovine exemption to the beach rewind harsh gaff
Company vacancies blench dryad satyr fend
The bark of a rash oak refund fourth nun
Decipher the history of nuclear weapons knot flair
Free spring plague misfit forth bloat
Lump precautions vowel rajah gloss
Bench warden camp savant note dot
Grace quote blot harden cinch romp
Rabid bar embossed clump ward scoff
Goat prescribed inappropriate plaque sprung gratitude
Arable embolus clots record nuke detox
Refined fortuitous null rash pink peels
Salacious turn binary firm flinch vacations
Remind severe quaff ashore divine contempt
Intentions text to fear vying tofu sum

preaching the fangs

dim pivot enema saved in a tent
clout blame cougar nipple receptacle slalom
test stolid reject lags bathroom creed
cantor fine yam water mitosis sushi of tablature
crease once loud beak fowl surgical mingles
sermon bicuspid high the brown fizz
cast dock also married homeopathic products
hotel hill char process to destroy the forts
bumble fiord fair hostile chill fire
prod matron allied bay lasso vast
hiss collar sorrel preaching the fangs
peak bowl girth the crew of noisy
tibiae breed emerge presentiment fine clams
toilet slag crew stupor invests respected
sarong calyx teat sugar inflames the influence
bent rave amidst private curator din